Luke Chafer

Multi-award-winning student journalist. Currently Editor-in-Chief of The Glasgow Guardian. Studying Central and Eastern European Studies with Quantitative methods.  

Squatters “unlawfully detained” at restored Glasgow homeless shelter

The Glasgow Guardian was alerted to an altercation between police and squatters outside a disused homeless shelter in the Southside. Shelter residents said that others had been arrested earlier this afternoon after police blocked entry and exit from the building.

The police entered “Baile Hoose” after its residents were allegedly suspected of housebreaking, the crime of entering another person's house by force. According to one resident, the police made arrests, however he believed squatters we

Student pressure forces the University’s hand on fossil fuel divestment

The Glasgow Guardian learned that the University of Glasgow has refused to reinvest in fossil fuels following financial concerns that have been raised after the University's divestment.

After making an FOI (Freedom of Information) request, The Glasgow Guardian obtained the paper that was presented to the finance committee of the University Court in June which found that University management had rejected the advice of the Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) to stop divesting from fossil fuels d

The University of Glasgow has offered first-year students cash incentives to defer their courses

Following a record number of students meeting their conditions of offer, the University has offered bursaries in return for deferral.

Following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, The Glasgow Guardian has learnt that the University of Glasgow offered some incoming first-year students set to start their studies in 2021 a £1500 bursary if they deferred until 2022 entry. In an email sent to a select group of students by David Duncan, Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, on the 7 S

Go home: Students ousted after international accommodation guarantee breaks down

International students have been left with no accommodation, despite an initial guarantee from the Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, David Duncan. Students have alternatively been instructed to not travel to Glasgow and to instead consider deferring. In an email sent out to all students on 27 August by Duncan, he assured students that "the University guarantees accommodation for all first-year and international students". This was then followed by an email from Team UofG on 9 Sep

Vice-Principal Professor Fischbacher-Smith on the future of blended learning

As the University of Glasgow confirmed its teaching will be "blended" this year, the effects of Covid-19 have led to a seismic shift in teaching and learning strategies across the entire higher education system. Beyond the immediate changes to mitigate health risks, a debate has been sparked across the sector as to how to utilise the experience gained from last year. The University has recently published its answer to the debate in the "Learning and Teaching Strategy 2021-25" which sets out its

Behind the report: racism at UofG

The recently published report Understanding Racism, Transforming University Cultures made for uncomfortable reading. Its findings were unequivocal, racial harassment at the University of Glasgow is pervasive.

The most damning findings in the report were that 50% of ethnic minority students experienced racial harassment between two and five times since starting their studies, with 5% reporting 20 separate instances. Staff reported primarily coded forms of racism, as well as a disparity in forms

‘Murano 12’ threatened with eviction and £1,200 fine after suffering trauma from external parties

Following three traumatic events which impacted a singular flat at Murano Street Student Village across two weeks, the affected students – the “Murano 12” – have consequently been presented with a bill for damages costing over £1,200 alongside an informal eviction notice, issued via email, by Executive Director of Student and Academic services, Robert Partridge.

Whilst students approached accommodation services for support, they claim they were met with corporate force in the form of extortiona

University court rejects divestment petition

The University court has rejected the petition put forward by Glasgow University Arms Divestment Coalition (GUADC), demanding that the institution fully divests from companies involved in the arms trade within two years in accordance with the University’s policy on socially responsible investment.

The petition was drawn up following an investigation by The Glasgow Guardian last year which revealed that, as of June 2019, the University had a total of £3,110,663 invested across 27 companies that